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Any dental procedure can be intimidating. You can feel more at ease, once you know what to expect.


If you observe early signs of decay on your teeth, fluoride therapy, dietary change, and good oral hygiene can help the minerals in your tooth rebuild.

Duration: 1 hour
X-ray: yes
Numbing: most likely

The dentist will remove decay on your tooth and fill with a composite resin to prevent further decay, and then make adjustments to the filling height to its ideal position for your bite.

Depending on the depth and severity of the cavity, you may not require freezing for your appointment. Please follow post-op instructions on eating and drinking following your appointment. As we prioritize your health and comfort, please feel free to discuss any concerns or questions about the procedure at any point.

*Note: Pain tolerance can vary for each person.

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontic)

Root canal therapy is used to treat an infected or broken tooth that can still be preserved and retained.

Duration: 2-3 appointments needed, each approximately 1 hour in length
X-ray: Yes

Numbing: Yes

You may be prescribed antibiotics before your root canal treatment, to make the infected area easier to numb.

During the procedure, your dentist will remove the infected nerve pulp (root) and clean out the inside of the tooth. A filling will follow the treatment to prevent further infection.

The tooth will become much more brittle post-treatment because there will not be any blood supply to the tooth. A crown is recommended after the root canal treatment to protect the tooth.

Dental Crowns (Caps)

A crown is fabricated for severely broken teeth resulting from cracks, microfractures, or cavities. It is also used to protect a tooth surface after root canal treatment.

Number of appointments: 2-3 appointments
1st appointment duration: 1.5 hours
2nd appointment duration: 30min-1 hour
3rd appointment duration: 30 min

The dentist will file down the tooth on your first visit and take dental impressions, placing a temporary crown while the impression is in the process of fabrication. The crown insertion appointment will be approximately 30 minutes, where the dentist will adjust the crown after cementation.

If your gums bleed during the impression-taking process, you will require a second appointment to finish taking the impression.

Normally, a crown will last for 5-8 years; however, properly caring for your crown can make it last longer. Maintaining good hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing, in addition to visiting your dentist for a routine cleaning and check up will help conserve the crown.

Dental Implants and Crowns

Number of appointments: 4-5 appointments

Dental implants are administered in place of a patient’s original tooth, in the case of an extraction or for unpreservable teeth due to severe decay.

To make sure that the implant can be supported by the jaw, bone grafting may be required prior to or during the implant surgery process, before the implant parts are inserted into the mouth. This will take approximately 3-4 months to heal and set, before moving on to the crown preparation for the implant.

The approximate lifespan for the implant is around 20 years, and may last longer with proper care and regular check-up.